REST Assured Java integration tests

REST Assured Java integration tests

REST Assured Java integration tests. Here you'll find various examples of how to use rest-assured.

Compile ovisnosti (2)

Grupa / Artefakt Verzija Nova Verzija
com.jayway.restassured » rest-assured 1.2 LATEST
org.mortbay.jetty » jetty 6.1.14 6.1.26

Provided ovisnosti (1)

Grupa / Artefakt Verzija Nova Verzija
com.jayway.restassured.examples » scalatra-webapp 1.2 2.9.0

Test ovisnosti (2)

Grupa / Artefakt Verzija Nova Verzija
junit » junit 4.8.2 4.13.2
commons-io » commons-io 2.0.1 2.11.0