SmallRye Reactive Messaging : Connector :: Kafka

SmallRye Reactive Messaging : Connector :: Kafka

An implementation of the MicroProfile Reactive Streams Messaging specification

Test ovisnosti (28)

Grupa / Artefakt Verzija Nova Verzija
org.slf4j » slf4j-log4j12 1.7.36 2.0.12
io.smallrye.reactive » mutiny-reactive-streams-operators 2.5.1 Na
io.smallrye.reactive » test-common 4.11.0 Na
io.smallrye.reactive » smallrye-reactive-messaging-kafka-test-companion 4.11.0 Na
io.opentelemetry » opentelemetry-sdk-testing 1.31.0 Na
io.smallrye.config » smallrye-config 3.4.1 Na
org.mockito » mockito-core 4.8.1 Na
org.reactivestreams » reactive-streams-tck 1.0.4 Na
io.smallrye » smallrye-metrics 4.0.0 Na
org.jboss.weld » weld-core-impl 5.1.2.Final Na
io.smallrye.reactive » smallrye-mutiny-vertx-redis-client 3.6.0 Na
org.junit-pioneer » junit-pioneer 2.1.0 Na
io.smallrye.reactive » smallrye-reactive-messaging-jackson 4.11.0 Na
io.strimzi » strimzi-test-container 0.105.0 Na » weld-se-shaded 5.1.2.Final Na
org.testcontainers » toxiproxy 1.19.1 1.19.6
org.testcontainers » testcontainers 1.19.1 1.19.6
org.awaitility » awaitility 4.2.0 4.1.1
org.assertj » assertj-core 3.24.2 3.25.3
io.smallrye » smallrye-fault-tolerance 6.2.6 Na
io.smallrye.reactive » smallrye-reactive-converter-rxjava2 3.0.0 Na
io.smallrye.reactive » smallrye-reactive-converter-mutiny 3.0.0 Na
io.smallrye.reactive » smallrye-reactive-converter-reactor 3.0.0 Na
org.junit.jupiter » junit-jupiter-params 5.10.0 5.11.0-M2
io.smallrye.reactive » mutiny-zero-reactive-streams-junit5-tck 1.0.0 Na
org.junit.jupiter » junit-jupiter-api 5.10.0 5.11.0-M2
org.junit.jupiter » junit-jupiter 5.10.0 5.11.0-M2
io.opentelemetry » opentelemetry-sdk-trace 1.31.0 Na